Episode 67: The Return of the Caped Crusaders

"The Return of the Caped Crusaders"
Released November 1, 2016
It's the movie 50 years in the making (well, in the waiting). Adam West, Burt Ward, and Julie Newmar return to the Batman 66 universe in an all-new animated movie. Joker, Penguin, Riddler, and Catwoman have reunited to take control of Gotham City and the world once again with the theft of a duplicator ray. But it wouldn't be Batman 66 if there wasn't more to the plot and there certainly is as Batman becomes more aggressive in his pursuit of the villainous quartet. What is happening and will good triumph over evil in the end?
Joining John to breakdown this movie in a double-sized episode is Dan Greenfield of 13th Dimension, Billy Flynn of Geek Radio Daily, and Ben Bentley of the Batman 66 Message Board.
Comment on the episode here or write thebatcavepodcast@gmail.com.

Dan Greenfield is the editor and co-creator of 13thDimension.com, a website devoted primarily to comics and pop culture, past and present. To him, the basic food groups are Batman, Planet of the Apes, Star Trek (the Original Series), James Bond, the Beatles and the Stones. But if he had to he'd be able to subsist on Batman alone. Channel 11 in New York was his favorite syndicated channel as a kid -- you can guess why -- followed closely by Channel 5. Channel 9 didn't really enter into it unless he was home sick and there wasn't much else on. He's married to his remarkably patient wife Wendy and his best sidekick is his son, Sam. They have two cats,Lex and Zod.

The Wonderful Billy Flynn brings the funny each week on Geek Radio Daily! His daytime alter ego is mild-mannered (well, that part is a stretch) radio station personality at WLEE in Virginia. He actually gets paid to sit on his butt and run his mouth! His “edumacation” is from UNC-Wilmington, the Columbia School of Broadcasting, and University of Phoenix. When he is not gracing the podcasting airways with his comedic stylings, you can find Billy Flynn on Xbox Live (flynn71), rockin’ out on Guitar Hero or Rock Band, watching movies, reading comics, working out, or posting on the forums at geekradiodaily.com (ding!).

"Ben Bentley is an internationally published music photographer and Bat-Fan based in the United Kingdom. When Ben isn't behind the camera, you can find him sharing his lifelong love of Adam West's TV Batman as a co-moderator over at the 1966 Batman Message Board (66batman.com). Having traveled to California several times to attend conventions and hang out with Bat-friends, Ben has been lucky enough to try on one of Adam's original screen worn Cowls, meet several surviving cast members from the show and even run up and down the steps of Gotham City Police Headquarters in his own Adam West Batsuit.
You can keep up to date with Ben's photographic work over on his blog... http://www.benbentleyphoto.tumblr.com or why not come and join Scott, Ben and the gang at the internet's longest standing 1966 TV Batman message board... http://www.66batman.com"