Episode 14: "May the Best Man Lose"

District Attorney Scanlon is running for re-election and it looks like it's going to be a rough one as his life is threatened. The Hornet has to step in to investigate, but how does he do it without connecting himself to the DA? This is an interesting episode of the series as it addresses a number of questions, the least of which is why should one elect someone who has failed time and again to catch public enemy number one, The Green Hornet?
The Green Hornet: A History of Radio, Motion Pictures, Comics and Television by Martin Grams and Terry Salomonson is a reference work we're consulting as we move through the series. Pick up your copy by clicking on the link and getting it today.
Take a listen and then let us know what you think of the episode by writing us here or at thebatcavepodcast@gmail.com.